Atenea, Women who Transcend, is Cordillera’s sustainability program, aiming to generate a long-term transformation in women cocoa producers, enabling a more prosperous and thriving value chain

It is the first on its scale, focusing on rural women in the cocoa sector

Idaly Gallego Background image

Idaly Gallego

Member of the Atenea Program



We have strategical agricultural alliances in 21 provinces of Colombia. Our Farm Yarigues (263 has) is certified in good agricultural practices. (GAP)
More than 65 years of agricultural development support with direct buying offices in 11 locations in Colombia and Peru.

Atenea´s commitment to 5 sustainable development goals


Atenea’s strategic partners

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Atenea´s educational and training modules


Module 1:

Entrepreneurship in Chocolate Processing


Module 2:

Financial Educationfor Rural Women


Module 3:

Financial Educationfor Rural Women

Atenea program territories:

Atenea takes place in Colombia, specifically in The Department of Antioquia, the third-largest cocoa-producing region in Colombia

Urabá Antioqueño

Atenea testimonials

Deyanira Castaño

Atenea Woman

Idaly Gallego

Atenea Woman

Yudis Torres

Atenea Woman


Atenea program Brochure

Find all the information related to our Atenea program: partnerships, sustainable strategy, training modules, testimonies, etc.